
This is a quick-and-dirty page explaining how to deploy new versions of the OpenHatch code.


  • You must be part of the Login Team (so your SSH key is available in Github and you’re in the openhatch-committers group, and also that your SSH key is in the account’s .ssh/authorized_keys)
  • You must be at a computer with that SSH key
  • Deploying takes about 3 minutes, maybe less if things go well. (If there are database migrations to run, it can take dramatically longer.)

How the deploy script works

You need to have these programs installed: ssh, git.

The script does two things:

  • Pushes the current local master branch to Heroku.
  • SSHes to the two linodes, where it runs mysite/scripts/ which updates the site.

Notes about the deployment

Here are some relevant details of how web requests get routed to the OpenHatch code.

  • Web requests hit CloudFlare, which proxies them to Heroku (for and or (for other OpenHatch sites, like
  • has an nginx that handles some requests itself, and dispatches others to Apache.
  • In production, we use a mysite/ file that imports mysite/ and overrides the Django SECRET_KEY, DATABASE_URL, and a few other settings.

Other sites we host

The OpenHatch organization hosts some other websites, including and For information about that, read the documentation on the wiki about static site hosting.